Cyber attacks on corporations, governmental agencies and individuals are becoming increasingly widespread and regular, as well as more complex. In honor of National Cyber Security Awareness Month, LMU is once again hosting The Fourth Annual Cybersecurity Summit that brings together government officials, private business executives and cybersecurity experts to discuss the current and emerging threats that exist in today’s sophisticated cyber environment, and the technological advancements being made to countermeasure and manage these risks.
Date and Time
- Date: 07 Oct 2017
- Time: 03:30 PM UTC to 10:00 PM UTC
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- 1 LMU Drive
- Los Angeles, California
- United States 90045
- Building: Hilton Center of Business
- Room Number: Hilton-100
- Click here for Map
- Contact Event Host
- Co-sponsored by Dr. Mehrdad Sharbaf-IEEE CLAS Computer Society Chair, Adjunct Professor LMU
Please Join us for The Fourth Annual Cybersecurity Summit hosted at Loyola Marymount University in honor of the National Month of Cybersecurity Awareness.
Registration, Networking, Vendors Setup 8:30 am 9:30 am
Opening Ceremony
Welcome Keynote Message Time: 9:30 am
Dr. Mehrdad S. Sharbaf, IEEE Coastal Los Angeles Computer Society- Chair, Adjunct Professor LMU
Distinguished Guest Speaker State Keith Tresh Commander California Cyber Security Integration Center-California Governor’s Office of Emergency Services- Time 9:45 am
Distinguished Guest Speaker Mark Weatherford SVP & Chief Cybersecurity Strategist at vArmour Time: 10:15 am
Distinguished Guest Speaker Reuben Wilson Director of Law & Policy Mayor Eric Garcetti Office of Public Safety Time: 10:45 am
Distinguished Guest Speaker David Rusting System Wide Chief Information Security Officer University of California, Office of the President, Time 11:15 pm
Break, Lunch, Refreshment, Vendors, and Networking Time: 11:45 am -1:00 pm
Distinguished Guest Speaker William Perry System Wide Chief Information Security Officer California State University, Office of the Chancellor, Time 1:00 pm
Panel Discussion In Cyber Security Topic with distinguish guest speakers(Q & A) Time: 1:30 pm-3:00 pm
Moderator: Dr. Mehrdad Sharbaf
Adjourned Ceremony Time: 3:00 pm
Resources for Cyber Security Awareness:
- Department of Homeland Security’s cyber security tips
- U.S. Computer Emergency Readiness Team
- More on National Cyber Security Awareness Month
- driving cybersecurity awareness home! - AFCEA International