Statewide High-Resolution Lidar to mitigate Electric Grid Wildfire Risk

#Electric #Grid #Wildfire #Risk #LIDAR #Hazard #mitigation #Vegetation

Our company has served forestland owners,  managers and landowners for more than 40 years in the Western US. Today our Northwest Management and BARR Geospatial teams provide natural resource and vegetation digital population inventories, wildfire fuel reduction applications, hazard mitigation plans, fire ignition but more importantly fire burn severity projections, and economic assets-at-risk valuations. Using the most reliable technology coupled with advanced AI analyses, we operate with boots-on-the-ground and through high resolution Lidar and imagery collected from manned aircraft. This presentation will provide a brief overview of out Team’s Lidar analyses – specifically, the accuracy and field validation of our Lidar results, plus our application of these analyses to electrical power distribution wildfire risk management. Finally a summary of the border-to-border high-resolution data and analysis consortium we have launched within the State of Idaho.

  Date and Time




  • Date: 11 Apr 2025
  • Time: 11:30 AM to 01:00 PM
  • All times are (UTC-06:00) Mountain Time (US & Canada)
  • Add_To_Calendar_icon Add Event to Calendar
  • 1221 W Idaho St
  • Boise, Idaho
  • United States 83702
  • Room Number: Aud. E/W

  • Contact Event Host
  • Starts 08 March 2025 12:00 AM
  • Ends 10 April 2025 11:00 PM
  • All times are (UTC-06:00) Mountain Time (US & Canada)
  • No Admission Charge


Mark of NMI/BGS


Statewide High-Resolution Lidar to mitigate Electric Grid Wildfire Risk

Our company has served forestland owners,  managers and landowners for more than 40 years in the Western US. Today our Northwest Management and BARR Geospatial teams provide natural resource and vegetation digital population inventories, wildfire fuel reduction applications, hazard mitigation plans, fire ignition but more importantly fire burn severity projections, and economic assets-at-risk valuations. Using the most reliable technology coupled with advanced AI analyses, we operate with boots-on-the-ground and through high resolution Lidar and imagery collected from manned aircraft. This presentation will provide a brief overview of out Team’s Lidar analyses – specifically, the accuracy and field validation of our Lidar results, plus our application of these analyses to electrical power distribution wildfire risk management. Finally a summary of the border-to-border high-resolution data and analysis consortium we have launched within the State of Idaho.


Dr. Corrao has experience throughout the U.S. with multiple Tribal Nations, State, Federal, and private industry leaders on the integration of LiDAR technology into forestland management and landscape resource stewardship affording him a unique perspective on solution-based services and research. Mark has more than 20 years’ experience in field data collection, research, environmental policy, and strategic leadership. As adjunct faculty, Mark serves as a mentor for graduate students in the College of Natural Resources within the University of Idaho. His position as CIO of NMI/BGS focuses on ALS supported solutions for land stewardship and those industries threatened by fire through data-supported tools within the ForestView® and FireIntel platforms. Mark holds a multi-disciplinary Ph.D. in Applied Physics and Environmental Law, an M.S. in Watershed Hydrology, and a B.S. in Forest Ecosystem Management.


Address:University of Idaho, , Moscow, Idaho, United States


  1. Boise PES Chapter award ceremony
  2. Talk by Dr. Mark Corrao