Creating Lightning Resilient Facilities
Todd D. Vought is an LPI. Certified Master Designer / Installer of Lightning Protection Systems with LYNCOLE VFC. Mr. Vought has been certified since 1984. VFC has been protecting North American facilities and infrastructure since 1989. Since then, it has grown into the nation's largest Lightning Protection Company. Our Lightning Protection and Specialty Grounding Systems are deployed throughout the United States and internationally. LYNCOLE is a division of VFC, The inventors of the XIT Electrolytic Grounding System, provides Advanced Grounding Solutions and Engineering Services.
The risk of lightning strikes on people, structures, and businesses is increasing. Two major factors are driving this trend: bigger cities and global climate change. In the US alone, total lightning-related damage and disruption currently cost $8 to $10 billion annually, rising at nearly 20% per year. Yet for risk mitigation and damage avoidance, cost-effective lightning protection systems are readily available. Truly lightning resilient facilities can protect people and save industry and the public sector billions of dollars each year. In this presentation, Mr. Vought reviews effective design and implementation principles of lightning resilient buildings, including:
- Need for Lightning Resilience
- Risk Assessment •NFPA Annex L
- Lightning Phenomenon Basics
- Facility Lightning Protection
- Grounding
- Bonding – Potential Equalization • NEC Bonding
- Surge Suppression – SPD's
- Structural Lightning Protection Basics • Conventional Systems
- Structural Lightning Protection Basics • Zone of Protection Analysis
- Every Facility is Unique
- Keys To Successful Facility Protection • Comprehensive Design
Date and Time
- Date: 01 Jun 2022
- Time: 05:00 PM UTC to 06:00 PM UTC
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12:00PM Presentation 12:50PM Questions 1:00PM Adjourn |