Tuesday October 15, 2024 - IEEE Boston/New Hampshire/Providence Reliability Chapter Adcom Meeting
IEEE Reliability Society- Joint Boston/New Hampshire/Providence Chapter Adcom meeting.
Date and Time
- Date: 15 Oct 2024
- Time: 10:00 PM UTC to 11:00 PM UTC
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IEEE RELIABILITY SOCIETY Boston/New Hampshire/Providence Adcom meeting
a. Call to Order
b. Opening Remarks
c. Officer Reports
1. Secretary
i. AdCom Meeting Minutes
2. Treasurer
i. Awards
ii. Financials
3. Vice Chair
i. Technical Meeting Schedule
ii. Potential Technical Meeting Presentations
iii. Newsletter
4. Webmaster & Social Media
i. Website Status
5. Chair Report
i. Recent Technical Meeting Attendance
a) 10-SEP-2024 Joint Meeting with SMTA & iMAPS atNano Dimension in Waltham
b) 09-OCT-2024 Joint Meeting with ESDA: Tom Meuse— ESD Device Level Testing Die to Die in Direct PinInjection Testing
ii. Upcoming Technical Meeting Registrations
a) 13-NOV-2024 ESD Costly Controversial Myths byTed Dangelmayer (confirmed)
b) 11-DEC-2024 Ethan Cascio (rescheduled from 26-JUN-2024)
d. Old Business
1. MIT Lincoln Laboratory Appreciation / Thank You Plaque andPresentation
2. Proposed creation of IEEE Boston Reliability Chapter brochureTargeting the Younger Demographic - Facebook, Instagram, Twitter
3. Chapter banner
e. New Business
1. Proposed slate of officers
2. For August September (Annually)Past Chairs Meeting invitations / RSVPs
3. Officer Election – Open October 30 / Close December 4
4. Schedule Next AdCom Meetingi. TBD.
f. Closing Remarks
g. Adjournment
Justin - Social Media proposal | 3.93 MiB | |
Justin - Draft brochure | 3.01 MiB | |
2024-10-15 AdCom Meeting Minutes | 50.92 KiB |