2024 Monthly San Diego IEEE EXCOM - December Meeting


Executive Committee meets to discuss San Diego IEEE activities at this monthly meeting. All IEEE members are welcome to attend. Please register. 

  Date and Time




  • Date: 18 Dec 2024
  • Time: 05:30 PM to 08:00 PM
  • All times are (GMT-08:00) US/Pacific
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  • 10401 Roselle St
  • San Diego, California
  • United States 92121
  • Building: ATEC
  • Room Number: Training

  • Contact Event Host
  • Starts 05 December 2024 12:00 AM
  • Ends 18 December 2024 09:00 PM
  • All times are (GMT-08:00) US/Pacific
  • No Admission Charge


5:30 pm - 6:00 pm,    Networking and food!

6:00 pm - 8:00 pm,    meeting (in person and/or remote)



Approve prior meeting minutes (Minutes to be approved will be in the media section of this vTools event)

Student Branch Reports

1)  Cubesat Developers Conference report? (USD) Still looking for this report.

2) Rising Stars - Bring Quarterly Project Showcase to Las Vegas (additional funding request)


"Hello everyone, 

IEEE UCSD had their Quarterly Projects showcase last week that Michelle and Lei attended. Here is the link to the photos taken Lei (thank you so much, Lei): https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1R_-YGzT3_ubU7hzi4kNyho85YQXKeK8G

Currently, we have raised funding for Rising Stars for 14 officers. However, this does not include Jonathan, one of our Quarterly Projects Chairs (we have two, with the other one being out of the country during Rising Stars). 

Rising Stars has a Projects Showcase, and I think this would be a great opportunity for Quarterly Projects winners to showcase their work. Therefore, I would like to ask the Section if we can be given additional funding to take 4 more students: 1 from each of the 3 winning teams, and Jonathan, since he oversaw all the projects. 

To give you an idea, this is what I have done to raise funds:
$1600 from IEEE SD Section 
$1600 from PACE
8 students funded by IEEE University Partnership Program

I hope this shows the work I have done in sourcing funds and justifies our request. 

We are looking for an additional $1200 in funding. I have been in touch with Chairs from other Student Branches, and this amount would allow us to cover 1 additional room shared with students from Columbia University.

Thank you, 
Mustahsin Zarif 
IEEE UC San Diego Student Branch Chair"

3) USD Proposal For Rising Stars + HKN SLC (additional funding request)

"Good Evening Ms. Thompson,

I am the current USD IEEE student chair and have been working on getting things together for a Rising Stars Additional Funding proposal (i.e number of members attending, funding already covered, transportation/lodging, etc) and now have a completed proposal. I am hoping, with your permission, I can talk about this proposal at the San Diego section Excom next week on December 18th. I am currently working on a power point to go with it, however I wanted to at least get this proposal to you before the start of the weekend. I have been corresponding with Dr. Kramer, our advisor, about this and she is excited at the opportunity for our group to send people to this event!

Please let me know if you have any questions/concerns and I hope to see you at the Excom next week.

Very Respectfully,
John Cizin
University of San Diego
Electrical Engineering
USD IEEE Student Branch Chair | NROTC Training Officer

Proposal: USD Student Branch Proposal for Support (or Additional Support) to Participate in Rising
Stars 2025

Submitter: John Cizin, Student Branch Chair

The University of San Diego IEEE student branch is requesting support (additional support) in the amount
of $800 for Rising Stars.

USD’s HKN was granted $1200, redistributing a large portion of prior approved monies for Rising Stars
to support 3 students at the HKN-SLC. The USD HKN used ~$1050, while we understand the majority of
prior approved Rising Stars funds was already used, we are requesting a modest $800 of additional

Rationale offered:
1. This is a modest total, even combining both activities together that received support and well in
line, and likely less than, total support to other branches. (Dr. Kramer defers to totals known to
the SD Section Treasurer or Chair)

2. USD Branch has been working to recover its numbers after COVID-19, and is hoping to attend
conferences such as Rising Stars to inspire new members to join, and to improve engagement.
While multiple times pre-covid we had several students attend, no USD IEEE, other than our
advisor, has participated in recent years.

3. We are aiming to send two of our members to Rising Stars this January to gain more knowledge
on emerging technologies, connect and network with other young professionals and students, and
to attend workshops and competitions to show what we here at the University of San Diego are
capable of.


Currently we have received funding from our Associated Student Government at the University of San
Diego to cover flights and lodging, and we are looking to IEEE for help covering our registration fees for
two people totaling to $800 for the Rising Stars conference.

Registration for 2 students: $800 – requested of section
Estimated Travel (Plane) expenses for 1 person: $200 - supported by USD ASG
Lodging: $255 (before taxes & fees) - supported by USD ASG

- ASG will support up to $80 a night for one individual, so student out-of-pocket cost for lodging
will be ~$50 for 3 nights, given Jan. 2nd hotel price is only $45
Transportation: $40 - supported by USD ASG as a reimbursement next semester

Additional information:
The two members we are hoping to send to Rising Stars this January are Steven Iannicca and Jonathan
Miller. Steven is a current senior in Electrical Engineering and is on our IEEE executive board serving as
secretary. He is an existing IEEE member and has been for the last year. Jonathan is also a senior in
Electrical Engineering and is a new member of IEEE as of two months ago. When he heard about Rising
Stars he signed the interest form we sent out almost immediately. Jonathan is very eager to learn how

valuable being a member of IEEE can be, and helping send him to this conference would be one way to
do that.

We hope, with your help, that the experiences from this event will be shared with the rest of our student
branch upon returning in order to encourage members to come to more of these kinds of events and learn
valuable lessons that can be carried with them through their careers. We believe events like Rising Stars
will inspire our members to continue to align themselves with IEEE’s mission through the course of their
undergrad studies and beyond.

The University of San Diego has been lighting the way forward for the last 75 years. As students at this
university, our mission is to advance academic excellence for a more inclusive, sustainable, and hopeful
world. I believe this aligns nicely with IEEE’s mission to foster technological innovation and excellence
for the benefit of humanity. With your help, we can shine a little bit brighter for the benefit of all.

Officer Reports

1) IEEE San Diego Section Awards Banquet to be held on 18 January 2025. *go flight*

2) 8 tickets are available to San Diego County Engineering Council banquet on 18 February 2025 through our Founder's Package support. We will have a display table in the Fair held immediately before the dinner. if you want to claim a ticket, contact Michelle 

We have a display table this year. This is a great (and short! not difficult!) opportunity to show off your chapter/local group/affinity group and meet all sorts of other people from all sorts of other engineering organizations.

Michelle volunteers organize the table, staff it for the duration, and bring a small IEEE standee and "join IEEE" QR code business cards along with Social Implications of Technology (SSIT) chapter outreach, and Information Theory Chapter outreach. We need swag, additional people, and additional chapter stuff/swag/outreach/announcements.  

New business ?
