Tuesday November 26, 2024 - IEEE Boston/New Hampshire/Providence Reliability Chapter Adcom Meeting
IEEE Reliability Society- Joint Boston/New Hampshire/Providence Chapter Adcom meeting.
Date and Time
- Date: 26 Nov 2024
- Time: 06:00 PM to 07:03 PM
- All times are (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)
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- Boston/Providence/New Hampshire Jt Sections,RL07
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IEEE RELIABILITY SOCIETY Boston/New Hampshire/Providence Adcom meeting
- Starts 12 November 2024 12:00 AM
- Ends 26 November 2024 07:00 PM
- All times are (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)
- No Admission Charge
Ahead of this meeting, please review Don's minutes and Justin's proposal & draft brochure. All are found in the "Media" section in the VTools event for last Adcom at https://events.vtools.ieee.org/m/434343
Call to Order
Opening Remarks
Chapter Collabratec site: Boston/Providence/New Hampshire Jt Sections, RL07
Officer Reports
AdCom Meeting Minutes
Vice Chair
Technical Meeting Schedule
Potential Technical Meeting Presentations
Webmaster & Social Media
Website Status
Further discussion of Justin's proposal <https://events.vtools.ieee.org/m/434343>
Chair Report
Recent Technical Meeting Attendance
13-NOV-2024 ESD Costly Controversial Myths byTed Dangelmayer
Upcoming Technical Meeting Registrations
11-DEC-2024 Radiation Effects in Electronics: Brief Overview and History by Ethan Cascio
Old Business
MIT Lincoln Laboratory Appreciation / Thank You Plaque andPresentation
Proposed creation of IEEE Boston Reliability Chapter brochureTargeting the Younger Demographic - Facebook, Instagram, Twitter
Chapter banner
New Business
RSVPs for 11-DEC-2024 Radiation Effects in Electronics: Brief Overview and History by Ethan Cascio
Gary Kushner
"Thank you for the invite. I really appreciate them. I cannot make it this year. "
Mark Snyder
"It’s hard to believe I was chair almost 50 years ago. Unfortunately, I am unable to attend the meeting on 12/11. Please convey my warm regards to all the ‘youngsters’ in the chapter."
Aaron Dermarderosian
"I hope this finds you well! When possible and available virtually, I continue to try and attend the Boston Reliability chapter meetings as we definitely have one of the most active chapters in the US!
Thanks for the invite, I am planning to attend this year virtually and am looking forward to the talk and seeing others again at the year-end event!
If I recall, Charlie Recchia or possibly someone else on the AdCom knew of this program as they would share those facilities for modeling & testing single event upsets for computer systems at high altitude".
Officer Election – Open October 30 / Close December 4
Communication from Mehdi Si Moussa (simoussa@ieee.org), vice chair of the Worcester County section and Chair of the Microwave Chapter regarding hosting meetings.
Add the Worcester Reliability Chapter to the Boston/Providence/RI Reliability Chapter?
Policy Proposal Discussion
Should we create a chapter policy document, for example to contain the meeting voluntary illness self-reporting notification?
Proposed new policy:
"We agree that as Officers and volunteers of the Joint IEEE Reliability Chapter of Boston, New Hampshire, & Providence, we will avoid any real or perceived impression that we have a political affiliation. Officers and other volunteers may take part in partisan political activities freely on their own personal time, but they must not do so in the course of their role and responsibilities for the Chapter, nor should they represent that they are acting for or on behalf of this Chapter, or give the appearance that they are representing the IEEE."
Menu and Logistics for 11-DEC-2025 Meeting
Schedule Next AdCom Meeting
Closing Remarks
Agenda | 7.03 KiB | |
Mario's Catering Menu | 254.66 KiB | |
2024-11-26 Boston Rel AdCom Meeting Minutes | 61.27 KiB |