2025 Monthly San Diego IEEE EXCOM - January Meeting


Executive Committee meets to discuss San Diego IEEE activities at this monthly meeting. All IEEE members are welcome to attend. Please register. 

Additional information about EYH:

January 9, 2025
RE: Support Request for EYH Conference
Dear IEEE San Diego Committee,

On behalf of the Expanding Your Horizons (EYH) San Diego team, I am reaching out to
request your support for our 2025 EYH Conference, scheduled for Saturday, March 22,
2025. EYH San Diego is a nonprofit organization committed to empowering young
women to pursue careers in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) through
interactive, hands-on workshops and meaningful mentorship opportunities.

Our flagship EYH Conference offers middle and high school girls from diverse
socioeconomic backgrounds the chance to explore STEM topics in engaging workshops
conducted by industry professionals, government scientists, and academics. Since
2002, the conference has connected 200-300 young women annually with inspiring
female role models, providing an authentic STEM experience that research shows is
critical to increasing interest in STEM careers.

In 2024, rising costs limited our ability to fully meet the demand for this program,
resulting in reduced participation and restricted transportation options for students
from underserved communities. Despite these challenges, 55% of participants received
full fee waivers, reflecting our ongoing commitment to making STEM education
accessible to all. As we plan for 2025, we aim to raise sufficient funds to expand
attendance to 250 participants while maintaining affordability and accessibility.
We are requesting your support to help cover program costs and ensure that every
young woman who wants to attend has the opportunity to do so. A contribution of
$5,000 would directly enable us to provide fee waivers, organize transportation for
schools in need, and deliver an impactful experience for participants. Your support
would go a long way to helping us accomplish this goal.

The EYH Conference is one of the few events in San Diego exclusively focused on young
women, strategically blending mentorship, career exploration, and hands-on learning.
With your partnership, we can inspire and support a diverse future STEM workforce and
help these young women realize their potential.

Thank you for considering our request. I would be delighted to provide more information
about our program or discuss potential partnership opportunities with IEEE San Diego.
Liz Ferguson, Executive Director

Original project proposal, received in 2021, is included below, and provides additional context. 

San Diego Section Fund Project Proposal

Requested for 2021 decision - Date to provide funding: Requested by February 1, 2022
Amount: $2500 in support of San Diego Expanding Your Horizons (SD-EYH)

Budget: $2500 is requested, and SD-EYH would benefit from greater amounts, depending on
availability of funding, up to and including $5000 (the intended annual budget for the SD-IEEE
fund). The major annual event, serving 200 girls and other interested students grades 6-10
across San Diego County, is held in March and requires a budget of $15000 approximately,
including facilities charges, food, supplies, and transportation for classes of underprivileged
students from across the county to be able to participate in a day of hands-on STEM workshops
and mentoring activities held at the University of San Diego (but not affiliated with the
university, they support the event through discounted facilities charges). SD-EYH relies on
donations, as more than 60% of attendees get the non-profit registration fee waived due to
ability to pay. [When the event went virtual in 2020 and 2021, there were still considerable
costs to assemble, package, and mail individual hands-on kits to the young student participants
with almost no optional fees actually paid.]

Oversight and accountability: Kathleen Kramer and Kathy Hayashi, among other SD-IEEE WIE,
are actively involved with SD-EYH activities and can ensure that appropriate reporting and use
of funding occurs. Theresa Burke and other SD-IEEE WIE leadership can also integrate a SD-IEEE
WIE activity into the annual event. [SD-EYH is a 501c3,
https://greatnonprofits.org/org/expanding-your-horizons-of-san-diego ]

Historic San Diego Section involvement:

Various San Diego IEEE- WIE and IEEE San Diego students at USD have been involved in the
activities. SD-EYH has received ~$500 annually for several years and publicized SD-IEEE support
for its activities, including at https://eyhsandiego.org/blog/ Due to the pandemic, they had to
re-imagine their hands on workshops into virtual events in 2020 and 2021, and section
volunteers were still involved, along with industry professionals from various STEM fields,
including IEEE fields of interest.

About SD-EYH:
Since 2002, our largest program is an annual STEM conference for girls in grades 6-10,
connecting 350-450 girls from around San Diego County with STEM professionals in the San
Diego community.  Each group of 15-20 girls is mentored by 2-3 female STEM undergraduate
students, providing the girls with additional STEM-based interactions.  Our goal is to increase
the girls’ interest in STEM careers by providing exciting and engaging hands-on learning
experiences. In our current pandemic situation, we are excited to provide virtual workshop
opportunities for San Diego girls. EYH San Diego is a proud member of the EYH National
Network supported by Techbridge Girls!

Liz Ferguson, Executive Director

  Date and Time




  • Date: 16 Jan 2025
  • Time: 01:30 AM UTC to 04:00 AM UTC
  • Add_To_Calendar_icon Add Event to Calendar
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  • 10401 Roselle St
  • San Diego, California
  • United States 92121
  • Building: ATEC
  • Room Number: Training

  • Contact Event Host
  • Starts 26 December 2024 08:00 AM UTC
  • Ends 16 January 2025 04:00 AM UTC
  • No Admission Charge


5:30 pm - 6:00 pm,    Networking and food!

6:00 pm - 8:00 pm,    meeting (in person and/or remote)



Approve prior meeting minutes (Minutes to be approved will be in the media section of this vTools event)

Student Branch Reports

1)  Cubesat Developers Conference report? (USD) we heard a brief update in December 2024 and hoping to hear more at this meetup.

2) Rising Stars Reports and feedback.

Officer Reports

1) IEEE San Diego Section Awards Banquet to be held on 18 January 2025. Awards are organized and we await plaques. Coins and plushies are in hand. We have reserved the room for 45 and will have a "pub quiz" activity, a distinguished speaker, great food, officer installation, awards, and time to talk and plan for 2025. Program proof shown, budget reported. 

2) 3 tickets are available to San Diego County Engineering Council banquet on 18 February 2025 through our Founder's Package support. We will have a display table in the Fair held immediately before the dinner. if you want to claim a ticket, contact Michelle 

We have a display table this year at SDCEC! 

Michelle volunteers organize the table, staff it for the duration, and bring a small IEEE standee and "join IEEE" QR code business cards along with Social Implications of Technology (SSIT) chapter outreach, and Information Theory Chapter outreach. We need swag, additional people, and additional chapter stuff/swag/outreach/announcements.  VTS??

3) 2025 EYH Conference support request letter (also in media section). 2024 request of $2500 was granted to EYH. 2023 request of $2500 was granted to EYH. 2022 request of $2500 was granted to EYH. See media section for letter and description of this vTools event for additional context.

4) Collaboration request from ASHRAE

"Dear IEEE Executive Committee,

I am writing on behalf of ASHRAE San Diego's Young Engineer Engagement team. Our mission is to foster community and collaboration among emerging professionals in the design-build industry. We are currently planning a networking event aimed at early-career professionals across all engineering disciplines.

We would value the opportunity to collaborate with IEEE on this initiative. Our vision is to create an environment where young engineers can exchange ideas, build relationships, and share experiences across industries. Initially, we propose focusing on informal networking events, with plans to eventually incorporate presentations from senior engineers on topics such as:

Career development
Industry challenges
The evolving role of young engineers in design-build projects
For our first event, we're considering either a barbecue by the bay or a happy hour at a local indoor golf facility. However, we're open to organizing a more technically-focused event if that better aligns with your members' interests.

 Thank you for considering this collaboration. We look forward to strengthening the relationships between young professionals in our industry."

 Best regards,

Nicolas Kano
IMEG | Mechanical Engineering Graduate - Designer 2"5) New YP chair Alex Rivera welcome and introduction. 

6) Chapter Health 2024 report (slides)

7) Financial Review Report

8) Nominations and Elections Report



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IEEE_SD_Section_Monthly_Excom_202412_Minutes 108.05 KiB
Program for Awards Banquet 1.45 MiB